
Improve your maths

Wednesdays 4 to 6:30PM – Free maths group

Yoga for everyone

Yoga for everyone

An affordable community yoga class in Dalston get you feeling good in your body and mind Thursdays 9 to 10AM – £3 to £7

Turning Point

turning point flyer

Free screening with Sweet Patootee Arts on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023 A comedy melodrama set in 1920s Barbados & Jamaica – for age 13+Scan QR code above to book

Pilates Classes


Thursdays 7:30PMBook in advance at www.artqinature.comor call 074 0340 4673

Capoeira Children Classes

Capoeira Children Classes

Saturdays: 10.30am Mildmay Community Centre Capoeira is: Contact: Cm. Madeira 07850 403 221 Monitora Moranguinho 07341 542 984